Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Blood by: Zdravka Evtimova

An old man owns a small reptile pet shop and he has no business. Because of having no business the sad man will have to close his shop.
One day this woman came in very upset asking the man that owns the shop if he had the blood of a mole because her son is sick and he needed it to survive.
The moles blood can cure sick people.

The man felt so sorry for the woman and he had no moles so he cut his own wrist and gave her the blood.
The woman stared at the cut wrist and knew he was giving her his own blood but she was so desperate that she did not care.
It was very cozy and quiet in the shop when the woman came back a few days later, so happy that his blood saved her sons life.
The same day the woman came in with the good news a man came in and squeezed his arm until three drops went into his little bottle and then just left.
The word got around town and a mob of people were outside his shop the following day chanting "Blood of a Mole!"
The mob of people had a knife in their hands to get blood from the man.
The shop turned around quick and the old man had tons of business!
Because of all the business the old man was getting he wouldn't have to close his shop.
"Blood of the Mole" cured sick people and everyone wanted and needed it.

1 comment:

  1. i have a question:in the story it says that after the woman told to the shop owner that her son was cured. how did the guy know that he sells the blood of a mole? are they related to eachother somehow? or are they like relatives to eachother?
